Hi, I’m Ian, the minister at SPC. Learn more about us or feel free to get in touch!

Shoalhaven Presbyterian Church - About Us

  • Shoalhaven Presbyterian Church is a group of people who seek to grow in the likeness of Jesus, listening to His word in the Bible, praying in His name, gathering together to sing, pray, learn and care for each other week by week. We also seek to help others grow to become followers, as we share the good news of Jesus with our wider community.

  • Presbyterian is a label that means we love the truth of God's word in the Bible, and structure our churches around the leadership of elders. Teamwork is a core part of being Presbyterian, and it reflects the way Jesus gathered people together, e.d. 12 disciples. It means church is like a body, where each part is valued and contributes to the whole. We seek to be faithful to the Bible's teaching in all we do, and historically the Westminster Confession of Faith is a guide to that teaching.

  • Shoalhaven is a beautiful part of the world, and the Presbyterian church has gathered on the site at 5 Kinghorne St. since 1875. The true start of any church, though, is in Jesus' own teaching, life, death and resurrection. SPC is part of the Presbyterian Church of Australia, NSW. In recent years we've deliberately sought to 'revitalise' the church, seeking afresh God's leading and focus for our activities.

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Not sure what to expect?

The 'Im New' section has helpful information about Sundays.

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Come along on Sunday mornings at 9:30am.