Join us at 9:30am every Sunday.
Here’s some info about our Sunday gatherings:
The high point of our life together is gathering on Sundays. We're led through times of prayer, sing together, listen to the Bible read aloud and hear it explained in a 20 minute talk. If you're a visitor you won't be singled out to do anything and we hope you feel free to investigate what it's all about. The structured time is from 9:30 to around 10:30, and we usually share a free morning tea afterwards.
5 Kinghorne Street, Nowra - opposite Aldi supermarket. All our buildings are wheelchair accessible, with plenty of parking available either on site, on the surrounding streets or in the huge council car park next door.
Most people dress fairly casually. There is a wide range from jacket and tie, dresses, to tee shirt and shorts or jeans. You're likely to fit in with whatever you choose, remembering that Jesus is more interested in what's going on in people's hearts than what they look like.
All our activities are funded from donations. On Sunday mornings we take up a collection as an opportunity for our regular members to contribute. Lots of people will simply pass those along as they've given electronically already. For electronic giving, use:
Shoalhaven Presbyterian Church
Westpac BSB 032 691, A/c 831 503
As a visitor, please don’t feel any obligation to contribute. You’re our guest.